Pedro Roberto Kanof is an engineer and inventor. He ideated the first electronic system and method for renting bicycles in the 1980s, the same method that is now used globally in the bicycle sharing system.〔Statement of Mr. Luciano Balbo, Euroventures Italia, http://www.scribd.com/doc/211276271/Mr-Balbo-s-statement-October-10th-2007〕〔Statement of attorney Sandro Hassan, SIB (Societá Italiana Brevetti) by deposition in the SIAE (Societá Italiana degli Autori ed Editori) http://www.scribd.com/doc/211284621/Mr-Hassan-s-statement〕〔Original text, “Proposta di un nuovo sistema integrativo di trasporto,” 1991 http://www.scribd.com/doc/211275785/Proposal-of-a-new-integrated-system-of-transportation-1991〕〔Certification of receipt by the SIAE (Societá Italiana degli Autori ed Editori) of the document deposited by attorney Sandro Hassan http://www.scribd.com/doc/211275785/Proposal-of-a-new-integrated-system-of-transportation-1991〕〔Statement by engineer Alberto Nicoletti Altimari http://www.scribd.com/doc/211280325/Mr-Nicoletti-Altimari-s-Statement-October-4th-2007〕〔"A Bari Pedro Kanof, l'inventore del bikesharing", "Bari Live", 28 Abril 2010〕 ==Biography== Currently, Kanof is the president and CEO of Kanof Mobility Solutions, a company he founded in 2007. The company’s mission is to produce and install his latest invention, which consists of a new sustainable transportation system. This system is based on parking stations for every type of bicycle, public or private. This invention is a significant step in the evolution of the original automatic and electronic public bike renting system that he invented.〔“J’ai intenté le Vélib’ et Attali n’en a pas voulu!” summary of the article “Il Sole-24 Ore”, Gianni Dragoni, October 22, 2007〕 On August 13, 2013 the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) granted the patent number 8,508 333 for his new invention.〔http://www.google.com/patents/US8508333〕 Kanof has presented his new proposal in numerous conferences and universities around the world, including in Rome,〔“Sviluppo della mobilità ciclabile – Approfondimento delle recenti iniziative assunte a livello nazionale” Federmobilitá, Rome, Italy, July 17, 2010〕 Milan,〔MobilityTech: Progettare un servizio di bike sharing: interoperabilità dei sistemi e valutazione dei benefici” Milan, Italy, October 5–7, 2009〕 Dresden,〔http://tudresden.de/die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/vkw/ivs/meetbike/Vortraege_A4_15_07_web.pdf “MeetBike European Conference on Bicycle Transport and Networking: Interdependence on Bicycle and Public Transport Use,” Dresden, Germany, April 3–4, 2008〕 Berlin,〔http://www.obisproject.com/palio/html.run?_Instance=obis&_PageID=200&_LngID=41&_CatID=1128&_countryCode=&_NewsID=779&_Index=1&pic=5&_CheckSum=-47510909 “OBIS Workshop: Infrastructure for Increasing Transfer to Cycling: Parameters for Measuring and Design,” Berlin, Germany, April 15–16, 2010〕 Copenhagen,〔“IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciences” Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009〕 Buenos Aires,〔http://www.scribd.com/doc/213404578/World-Bank-Buenos-Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina. December 14, 2010〕 Mexico City,〔“EMBARQ: Congreso Internacional de Transporte Sustenable” Mexico City, Mexico, October 3-5, 2011〕 Bogotá,〔“Movilidad y transporte 2010 Bogotá: Feria de movilidad y transporte Colombia” Bogotá, Colombia. Septiembre 23-25 2010〕 Cuenca,〔“VII Encuentro de la Red de Ciclovías Recreativas de las Américas” Cuenca, Ecuador, Noviembre 15-18, 2012〕 Naples,〔http://imgur.com/X3RqakD “Il nuovo sistema sostenibile di trasporto: dopo il Bike Sharing,” Naples, Italy, June 7, 2013〕〔http://www.lupt.unina.it/news/189-3-eventi-per-un-giugno-denso-di-spunti-europei-eventi-in-contemporanea-con-web-chat-meteo-e-multilingusimo.html “Il nuovo sistema sostenibile di trasporto: dopo il Bike Sharing,” Naples, Italy, June 7, 2013〕〔http://www.flickr.com/photos/edlupt/sets/72157633985424849/ “Il nuovo sistema sostenibile di trasporto: dopo il Bike Sharing,” Naples, Italy, June 7, 2013.〕 and Washington, DC. He has also attracted the attention of media, including radio〔“Radio24: Muoversi in cittá” July 9, 2010〕 and television,〔“RebubblicaTV Interview” June 22, 2010〕 in various countries.〔“Un plan que llega de reudas”, Soledad Arréguez Manozzo, “Página 12”, December 15, 2010〕〔“Una, cientos, miles de bicicletas”, Carlos Rodríguez, “Página 12”, December 11, 2007〕 Kanof was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1944 and moved to Milan, Italy in 1972 because of the anti-democratic Argentinean regime. He continued the studies he began in Buenos Aires in Paris, Milan, and Berkeley, receiving a doctorate in electronic engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan. In addition to his professional activity, he has taught in various universities, including the University of California – Berkeley, Johns Hopkins University,〔http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1038497&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D1038497 “Proceedings of the IEEE 2002 International Engineering Management Conference,” St. John’s College, Cambridge, UK, August 18–20, 2002〕 George Washington University, and Università degli studi di Venezia, among others. Professionally, Kanof has served as an information technology expert in important industries (Alfa Romeo, Mondadori) and financial organizations (World Bank, International Monetary Fund). He also edited the book ''Innovazioni tecnologiche: nuove opportunitá per gli anni ‘90'' (“Technological innovation: new opportunities for the 90s”) in 1991.〔http://www.francoangeli.it/ricerca/Scheda_libro.aspx?ID=1265&Tipo=Libro Milan: Franco Angeli Publisher, 1991“Innovazioni tecnologiche: Nuove opportunitá per gli anni ’90’” 1991〕 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Pedro Kanof」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク